Florida Wildlife Control & Animal Pest Removal

About Skunks

Skunks exists as mammals famous for their knack in spraying a fluid with an intense odor. Each different type vary in color, such ascream, black-and-white, gray or brown or cream, but each one has a warning coloring. A skunk can weigh from 0.5 to 8.2 kilograms with an elongated body length ranging from 40 to 94 centimeters. They have relatively small, well-muscled hind legs and extended front nails for burrowing. The majority have furs colored white and black, but all are streaked from the day they were born. They might have one thick streak across their tail and back, or two tinnierstreaks, or a string of spots in white and fragmented stripes like the spotted Florida skunks.

Skunks stay in famous for their dual smell glands in both sides of their anus, which they use by way of a defense weapon. These glands yield a mix of chemical containing sulfur that has an extremely offensive scent. The smell of this fluid exists amply strong to hold off potential assailants, such as bears. In addition, this smell is difficult to get rid from clothes. The muscles foundby the side of these scent glands permit them to squirt with a great degree of correctness and as much as three meters from where they are situated. The scent, aside from the squirt causingtemporary loss of sight and irritation, is adequatelystrong to be identified by the nose of a human to a maximum distance of a kilometer and a half. Skunks customarily do not squirt on other Florida skunks, aside from males during the breeding season. If they battle over home space at autumn, skunksfight with their claws and teeth only. Meanwhile, most American predators, likebadgers, wolves and foxes, seldom confront skunks, apparently out of dread of being squirted. On the other hand, the horned owl and dogs, are the reckless hunters of skunks.

Life Cycle
Skunks, polygamous by nature,breedatthe onset of spring. Thus, it is normal for a male to mate with two or more female skunks. May is the month when the majority of the skunks give birth. So, it is common to see female Florida skunks excavating a hole to contain theiraverage litter of six kits. They exist placental with a pregnancy period of around nine weeks. Skunks are born deaf, blind, and protected by a smooth fur layer. Their eyes starts to open only after about 21 days after delivery. They are weaned around 60 days after nativity, but usually remain with their mom till they are prepared to breed, at around a year old. As a result, their mother stays protective of them, spraying at whatever sign of peril. In contrast, the male takes no participation in the raising the kits.The lifespan of a wild skunk ranges from one to seven years, while in captivity, a skunk can live for around 10 years.

Striped skunks remain native to the northern part of America. They can, however, be seenthroughout the US, in northern Mexico, and central Canada. Other skunk species, like the hog-nosed and spotted skunks, can be observed from Canada to southern and central America. Skunks exists common within suburban parts. Frequent combats with canines and similar domestic creatures, and the odor release whenever a skunk is involved in a vehicular accident, have caused many legends about the elimination of the skunk smell. Perhaps, because of theorganicstructure of the squirt, most household mixtures are useless,apart from remedies capable ofdestroying thiols.

Skunks remain omnivorous, meaning they eat both animal and plant materials, and change their foodswith the changing of the seasons. They consume eggs, moles, snakes, salamanders, grubs, larvae and insects, earthworms, small rats, lizards, frogs, and birds. They likewise commonly have berries, nuts, roots, fungi, leaves and grasses. In stable areas, they also go for the garbage of humans and even cat food. Sometimes, skunks similarly act as foragers by eating rodent and bird carcasses left by other wild life. Skunks normally dig pits in neighborhoods as they search for worms and grubs. Skunks stay among the principal predators of honeybees. Relying upon their heavy fur to shield them from bee bites, they scratch the frontage of beehives and gobbles up guard bees coming out of the hive.

Skunks are solitary and crepuscular animals whenever not mating. In colder areas, however, they gather inside communal holes for heat. During daytime, they lodge in dens, which they dig using their mighty front nails. Skunks though are not real hibernators during winter, yet they stay inside their den for lengthy periods, remaining generally lazy and rarely feeding. Although About Skunks skunks have outstandinghearing and smelling senses, they cannot see anythinggreater than three meters away. For this reason, they are always vulnerable to die through road accidents.

We service the following areas: Boca Raton, Bradenton, Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Fort Lauderdale, Gainesville, Jacksonville, Lakeland, Melbourne, Miami, Naples, Ocala, Port Saint Lucie, Saint Augustine, Sarasota, Tampa, and West Palm Beach

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