About Florida Critter Pest Control
We are a professional wildlife removal company, fully licensed and insured in the state of Florida, we got started in Orlando in 2003, and now we operate statewide, with over 40 field technicians servicing almost all cities and towns in Florida.
We specialize in wildlife removal only. Not insect pest control. We Never use poisons.
We are fully licensed (wildlife and business) and insured (liability insurance).
We are available to work seven days a week (wildlife don't take weekends off).
We offer a full line of services, including damage repairs and attic cleanup.
We give a guarantee on all wildlife exclusion repairs so that critters don't come back.
We are able, willing, and LIKE to enter attics and under houses to get the job done properly.
We are humane in treatment of wildlife - animals definitely have emotions and feelings.
Orlando Critter News Clip: Florida Has Leftover Critter Permits - From the Florida Dept. of Game and FishAlmost 4,000 Florida public-land critter wildlife trapping permits and 55 critter permits left over from the 2006-2018 drawing will be available beginning at 8 a.m. Aug. 15 -- only on the Agency of Game and Fish Web site. The permits are for catches in game management units where the amount of permits exceeded the amount of applicants. They will be available -- first-come, first-served -- for some sort of $6 application fee. Applications will be accepted only on the Agency's Web site. Critter animal capture permits will be awarded as soon as the applicant's credit card may be approved for the $6 application fee. Critter pest control companies then must purchase an over-the-counter critter license. Critter permits will be awarded when the applicant's credit card may be approved for the license fee and the $6 application fee. All pest control companies also must buy some sort of habitat stamp if wildlife trapping on federal lands, and some sort of Habitat Management & Access Validation. For more information about Orlando wildlife removal and Orlando pest exterminator issues, read on. The leftover permits - most for pest control catches -- were allocated for different seasons and management units statewide. They are valid only on public lands, and for specified weapons, season dates and locations. These catches, along with all the details, will be listed on the Agency web site. Pest control companies who already purchased permits to animal capture critter on private land can apply for the leftover public permits and have their private-land permit voided by returning it to some sort of Agency office. Only one permit -- public or private land -- will be allowed per exterminator. Applications for 3,997 leftover critter permits (54 catches) and 55 critter permits (3 catches) will be accepted until one seven day period before some sort of animal capture begins so there will be time for pest control companies to receive their permits in the mail. Most of the leftover critter permits are for pest control catches. Leftover critter permits are for two youth-only catches in northwestern Florida, and one pest control animal capture for cow critter in the southwest. Pest control companies are encouraged to go online and choose and reserve their permits as early as possible. Local Orlando animal control experts felt that most of this information was true. Overall, 35,466 of the 57,441 pest control companies who applied for permits in Florida's drawing for public critter catches were successful. The application deadline was April 8 and the drawing was conducted in late June. Pest control companies who were successful in the public drawing may not purchase another permit or license. For more information, and to view and apply for the extra critter wildlife trapping permits, visit the Agency of Game and Fish web site or call for information, but applications only will be accepted from professionals. Local Orlando pest control companies had no comments on the matter.