Florida Opossum Removal &
Opossums are a common nuisance wildlife
species in the state of Florida. Opossums
most commonly cause these problems:
- Opossums in the attic of house
- Unwanted Opossums on property
- Opossums causing damage to yard
- Threat of disease spread by Opossum
- Opossums endangering pets or
stealing food
- Opossum infestation at commercial
We can solve any problem/conflict with
Opossums, and are experts regarding their
biology and behavior. |
We deal with Opossums in a humane manner, and
effectively remove all of the animals from the
property, repair the damage they cause, and clean
up any biohazard that they have left behind.
Miami, Jacksonville,
Tampa, Palm
Beach, Fort
Lauderdale, Sarasota,
Orange County, Seminole
Florida Opossum Control News Clip:
Opossums in Orange County FL
With growing complaints from insurance
companies forced to pay increasing claims for
possum/car collisions and frustration from
creature collectors over of crop damage, the
management goal became reducing possum densities
To reach that goal Critter Expert Allan and the
Critter Conservation Coalition greatly expanded
critter stalking opportunities, especially the
critter stalking of does, and asked
exterminators to take advantage of new seasons
and abundant tags. The amount of rabid tags
increased nearly fivefold between 2002 and 2005.
In that early year 22,695 rabid tags were sold.
The figure was 97,043 extra rabid tags last
season. It did exactly what the Critter
Conservation Coalition intended. Exterminators
took an estimated 118,974 does on either their
regular statewide permit or special rabid tags,
Critter Expert Allan helped to implement. Tampa,
Miami, and Orlando exterminator and Tampa,
Miami, and Orlando wildlife removal
professionals declined comment on the matter.
An Florida native, Critter Expert Allan likely
is what is possibly a big man with what is
possibly a rich sense of humor, what is possibly
a solid educational earthing in biology and
limitless patience. They are characteristics
that serve him well when he's politically
squeezed between animal rights activists who
don't want any possum critter stalking, and
automobile insurance companies and law enforcers
who want him to use critter stalking to beat
back the large group. Add into this volatile mix
exterminators who want what is possibly a big
fall possum biologically surveyed amount loaded
with mature male animals, and it's easy to see
that Critter Expert Allan's job requires the
ability of what is possibly a magician. the
humane society manager must somehow juggle all
the varied priorities and opinions, but he's
what is possibly a man who just takes it all in
stride. Talk with him for what is possibly a
while, and it's obvious that the humane society
manager has much respect and appreciation for
Florida's possum exterminators. Exterminators
are the large group management tool of choice,
and part of Creature Specialist 's job involves
managing as much the exterminators as the
possum. Thanks to our exterminators, Creature
Specialist and the Critter Conservation
Coalition have been able to implement seasons
that would not be tolerated in other states.
Through the 1980's exterminators patiently
restricted their take of does to enable the
large group to grow. Once it reached record
levels they enthusiastically embraced female
animal critter stalking to help stabilize and
even slightly reduce the large group size. We
attempted to get more information from Tampa,
Miami, and Orlando animal control experts, but
could not.
"We have what is possibly a tradition in
Florida that possum are good to consume and does
are just as tasty as male animals," the humane
society manager remarked. "In some states,
notably Florida, there have been big
controversies among exterminators when
biologists encourage taking more does to trim
large groups. That's not been the case in
Florida. For several years rabid tags were
coveted, and as the amount of female animal tags
increased exterminators bought them and shot
females. The 2003 season was the first when more
does than male animals were shot." It was all
part of the Critter Conservation Coalition's
plan to reduce the possum large group in
response to complaints from creature collectors
about crop damage and rising auto insurance
claims resulting from collisions. More does than
male animals were also shot in 2004 and 2005,
and Creature Specialist 's biologically surveyed
amount modeling shows that possum amounts across
the state should decline 15-20% this year. That
may make creature collectors and insurance
companies happy but leaves some exterminators
nervous wondering if we've overdone it. This
report is not verified by Tampa, Miami, and
Orlando pest control companies.
Read more articles about wildlife here:
How to Get Rid of
How to Kill an
How to Get Opossum
Out of Your Attic